How to ZAP from Ethereum L1 to Starknet

1. Select the desired tokens and quantity.

  • Head over to the JediSwap ZAP page.

  • Click on "Select Token" within the "From" graph to select the first token.

  • Ensure that Ethereum is chosen as the source chain.

  • Select the token that you wish to convert into a LP position.

  • Click on "Select Token" to proceed with selecting the desired LP token.

  • Select the LP token you would like to receive.

  • Connect your Metamask (or other Ethereum L1) wallet by clicking on the "Connect Ethereum Wallet" button.

  • Make sure that you connecting to

  • Click on "Connect" to link your Metamask wallet.

  • Input the quantity of the tokens you wish to provide liquidity with, and you will be shown the corresponding amount of LP tokens you'll obtain.

2. Review and confirm your transaction

  • After inputting the desired amount, click on the "Review" button. Examine the specifics of your ZAP transaction, such as the anticipated LP token quantity, fee, slippage tolerance, etc. Once you've assessed the transaction details, proceed by clicking on "Confirm."

3. Sign the ZAP transaction

  • After clicking on the "Confirm" button, your Metamask Wallet will prompt you to sign the ZAP transaction.

  • To finalize the transaction, simply click on the "Confirm" button.

4. Wait for the transaction to be confirmed

This should take a couple of seconds.

Last updated