The amounts reported may not be exactly equivalent to the amounts transferred, due to rounding behavior
//sign true for negative numbersstructi32 { mag:u32, sign:bool,}// @notice The identifying key of the poolstructPoolKey {// @notice The first of the two tokens of the pool, sorted by address token0:ContractAddress,// @notice The second of the two tokens of the pool, sorted by address token1:ContractAddress,// @notice The pool's fee in hundredths of a bip, i.e. 1e-6 fee:u32}// @notice details about the JediSwap V2 positionstructPositionDetail {// @notice The address that is approved for spending this token operator:ContractAddress,// @notice The ID of the pool with which this token is connected pool_id:u64,// @notice The lower tick of the position tick_lower:i32,// @notice The upper tick of the position tick_upper:i32,// @notice The liquidity of the position liquidity:u128,// @notice The fee growth of the aggregate position as of the last action on the individual position, for token0 fee_growth_inside_0_last_X128: u256,// @notice The fee growth of the aggregate position as of the last action on the individual position, for token1 fee_growth_inside_1_last_X128: u256,// @notice Uncollected token0 owed to the position, as of the last computation tokens_owed_0:u128,// @notice Uncollected token1 owed to the position, as of the last computation tokens_owed_1:u128}structMintParams { token0:ContractAddress, token1:ContractAddress, fee:u32, tick_lower:i32, tick_upper:i32, amount0_desired: u256, amount1_desired: u256, amount0_min: u256, amount1_min: u256, recipient:ContractAddress, deadline:u64}structIncreaseLiquidityParams { token_id: u256, amount0_desired: u256, amount1_desired: u256, amount0_min: u256, amount1_min: u256, deadline:u64}structDecreaseLiquidityParams { token_id: u256, liquidity:u128, amount0_min: u256, amount1_min: u256, deadline:u64}structCollectParams { token_id: u256, recipient:ContractAddress, amount0_max:u128, amount1_max:u128}#[starknet::interface]traitIJediSwapV2NFTPositionManager<TContractState> {fnget_factory(self:@TContractState) ->ContractAddress;fnget_position(self:@TContractState, token_id: u256) -> (PositionDetail, PoolKey);fnmint(ref self:TContractState, params:MintParams) -> (u256, u128, u256, u256);fnincrease_liquidity(ref self:TContractState, params:IncreaseLiquidityParams) -> (u128, u256, u256);fndecrease_liquidity(ref self:TContractState, params:DecreaseLiquidityParams) -> (u256, u256);fncollect(ref self:TContractState, params:CollectParams) -> (u128, u128);fnburn(ref self:TContractState, token_id: u256); fn create_and_initialize_pool(ref self: TContractState, token0: ContractAddress, token1: ContractAddress, fee: u32, sqrt_price_X96: u256) -> ContractAddress;
fn jediswap_v2_mint_callback(ref self: TContractState, amount0_owed: u256, amount1_owed: u256, callback_data_span: Span<felt252>);